James A Michener: The Bridge at Andau

James A Michener: The Bridge at Andau

Well and now finished. Remarkably powerful and I loved the way he managed to tell individual stories and yet put in its historical and global context. fascinating to see that written only a year after the events it describes. Amazing what humans can put up with -as I felt when reading Gulag Archipelago and Anne Applebaum.

Does show Hungarians as remarkable people and gives a better understanding of elements of current situation - that sense that they are in command of their own destiny and Orban's skill in realising and playing on this 'us against the world...as ever'.

Adam Kay: This is going to hurt; Secret diaries of a junior doctor

Adam Kay: This is going to hurt; Secret diaries of a junior doctor

Anon: The Secret Barrister; Stories of the law and how it's broken

Anon: The Secret Barrister; Stories of the law and how it's broken