John Waters: Carsick; John Waters Hitchhikes across America

John Waters: Carsick; John Waters Hitchhikes across America

A VERY different book from my last one. In three parts about a trans-America hitchhike Waters did but the first two parts are fictional...the first the best possible, meeting stars, having weirdly wonderful sex and ending up at his destination with a sexy boyfriend, the second the worst possible with freakishly dangerous encounters that could only have been imagined by the mind of John Waters and ending in his lurid death. Just about to start the 'real thing' . Very elegantly and fluently written so many thanks for the recommendation.

And have now finished. Highly enjoyable and warmly decent and appreciative picture of the super decent people who picked him up.

R. B Parkinson: A Little Gay History; Desire and Diversity across the World

R. B Parkinson: A Little Gay History; Desire and Diversity across the World

Gordon Brook-Shepherd: Uncrowned Emperor; The Life and Times of Otto von Habsburg

Gordon Brook-Shepherd: Uncrowned Emperor; The Life and Times of Otto von Habsburg