InTimE. Company FRE_NAK, Trafo House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest, Oct 21st 2022

Characteristically intriguing. An exploration of relationships, I think, their nature, their positive and negative aspects, not being in a relationship…These aspects were dealt with in short contrasting sequences accompanied by a fine and very varied soundscape which, ranging from 20’s light music to heavy modern romanticism and aggressive and gut-wrenching electronic sounds. The sound system, incidentally, must have been very good indeed and played a central part in the power and effectiveness of the pieces.

I was slightly (well, more than slightly) puzzled by the appearance right at the very end (and throughout the curtain calls), by a completely new figure who sat hunched on the red sofa that was the sole occupant of the stage, other than the red roses scattered on the floor. He was painted/body-suited in a silver grey colour, was hunched and twisted over himself and made only minimal movements. I did wonder if it was an ‘answer’ to the sole male figure who, in the first sequence performed a very wild, body-stretching and extreme sequence, the polar opposite of what we saw at the end. If this was the case then it gave a neat dramatic structure to the piece.

Anyway, well worth seeing and I look forward to more.

FrenAk Tarsulat: Secret Off_Man Festival Theatre, MUPA, Budapest. Dec 11th 2022

Jack Absolute Flies Again. Olivier Theatre, London Monday July 11th 2022