FrenAk Tarsulat: Secret Off_Man Festival Theatre, MUPA, Budapest. Dec 11th 2022

This was an event as stimulating and thought-provoking as it was visually spectacular. My sense of what it was ‘about’ only occurred after I had seen the whole show and I could digest the moves and images that made up the evening. Its essence (an exploration of aspects of masculinity, to put it in very simplistic terms probably does not really do it justice though. Made up of a series of scenes, some, particularly the very last one with the drilling rifle-holding soldier, were particularly immediately powerful; while others took rather more consideration – and even now I am not at all sure I have pulled out everything that I think was in the show.

The visual were mazing and it was initially almost too easy to be just seduced but hose and forget what they were trying to communicate. This was particularly true of the spectacular figure completely covered in light-catching crystals.

As this is, I think, the third show I have seen by this choreographer, I could now recognize certain signature moves I think, particularly the one high-extended leg followed by a twisting round of the entire body. And the use of the edge of the tilted platform which formed the set/performance area would perhaps be a better term. But I also felt that many of the scenes were over-extended as for me the message/point had communicated itself and did not need to be repeated to the length that they were

The music/soundscape was a weirdly varied as the experience demanded – and I did like the fact that right at the start there was total and utter darkness in the theatre which does not often happen these days.

But, as ever, a wonderful show with remarkable dancers. Looking forward to the next.

Oliver. Pesti Magyar Szinhaz, Budapest. Dec 12th 2022

InTimE. Company FRE_NAK, Trafo House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest, Oct 21st 2022