A quite remarkable event – the word ‘show’ is wholly inadequate – which gave a full and very thought provoking picture of the extraordinary achievements of this remarkable woman. She is truly someone for whom the old clichés about ‘giving one’s life to art’ and ‘living one’s art’ can be seen to actually be meaningful and the first time that I have felt that such phrases are justified and understandable.
We saw still and moving images of some of the performances she has given as well as some of the materials that she used. The most terrifying and awe-inspiring were the vast range of items (ranging from feather boas, pairs scissors through knives, chains, an axe and a gun with a bullet) that were laid out on a table when members of the public could use any of them on her as she sat still and silent in a space.
There were also some performance pieces taking place with students from her Institute. It seems redundant to describe what actually happened as it somehow does not have meaning when described in mere words. But to be in the room, in ‘the moment’ and actually experiencing it, was remarkable. However, the experience of such situations was also different as there were other people around in the space where the individual artistic experience takes place. I think a significant aspect of her art is to do with human connections and the relationship of the artist to the individual – not so much a viewer as that implies something rather feebly passive, but in a way, as another participant.
So a quite remarkable experience – and one where to attend with someone else is, I think vital.