Bonding. Season 2. Disappointing. The sparkle has gone...

I had very high hopes of this as I loved the first series. not only did it deal, thoughtfully and often wittily with an area I really know nothing about in a way that was illuminating and did not go for cheap laughs. There was real skill in the writing and character development and the inter-relationships of the participants. I was involved and engaged with them and the brief episode length - c 20 mins - was a definite plus.

But this was a big disappointment. For almost all of the series, the characters and scenarios seemed to be merely treading water, dramatically and emotionally and as a result, my involvement with it was minimal. For some reason I had stopped really caring about the characters which was one of the biggest pluses of the first series (or any good series, to be honest!) In the last two episodes it did improve slightly, but only as there was a clear move towards ending and tying up.

A pity but, like a BDSM experience, very good intially, but finally it was too protracted to be wholly enjoyable.

Requiem. Superbly gripping psychological/supernatural thriller in wonderful setting

Dix Pour Cent. Series 4. The final series (sniff) but what a finish. Glorious!