Requiem. Superbly gripping psychological/supernatural thriller in wonderful setting

This was a most excellent series. There was a slow, steady relentless tread to its unfolding with the steady pace doing much to maintain the tension. It started as a psychological mystery with a shocking and unexplained suicide and thereon developed into one where there was a signifcant supernatural element. This was very gradually introduced and in a very restrained and subtle way which made it all the more convincing. Also not too much was explained - in the final analysis we were left with questions but we also had an emotionally satisfying and convincing conclusion - even though we still had questions but accepted the ending. This was not one of those series where the conclusion had not been thought through leaving the viewer frustrated - I was still intrigued at the end but also satisfied - a tricky thing to achieve and not often done successfully.

The supernatural elements were subtly done, not least through sound and an almost total rejection of jump-cut shocks - and those there were, were of ordinary events e.g. a bird flying onto the glass, but which were made powerful by the situation and circumstances where they occurred.

At six episodes, the length was just right with enough to make each episode richly filled but never either rushed or over-extended, right up to the finale. The camera work was also particularly fine - there was a fair bit of use of the shaky-hand variety, but always at just the right place dramatically, never too protracted and always ‘right’ so that it became a creative part of the storytelling and not a mere pretentious stylistic cliché.

The characters were uniformly very well nuanced which greatly helped with audience involvement and their development was plausible and effective.

A very fine series then and much recommended.

Lupin. Part 1. Superbly entertaining and engaging modern version of the eponymous gentleman burglar, Arsene Lupin.

Bonding. Season 2. Disappointing. The sparkle has gone...