Marcella: Series 1 and 2. A superbly mature and gripping drama with a very vivid sense of place.

I would put this on the same level as the recently-viewed Mindhunter series. The balance of personal drama of the protagonists and the reality of solving the crimes was excellently balanced, each supporting and feeding off the other. Friel - indeed all of them - was superb and the mystery of her blackouts and what she could or could not remember was a gripping device that did not seem like a cop-out as such devices can often be.

Pacing was excellent and I got a real sense of the drudgery, the painstaking attention to details and the moments of passionate excitement, set against major disappointments that, I suspect, are an accurate representation of the experiences of the police involved in such cases.

I also, particularly at this time, really enjoyed the sense of being back in London with so many iconic buildings on view - at times I was trying to work out exactly where they were shooting based on that.

The second series maintains and builds upon the strengths of the first in a way that is all too rare - I had the sense that the entire two series were always thought of as one coherent dramatic unit.

Love, Death and Robots. Volume 1. Wonderfully varied collection of short animated films (all conceivable styles) and intriguingly fitting this all-embracing title

Mindhunter: Series 2. Maintains and builds on the success and power of Series 1