Ultraviolet. Series 1 Intriguing, Polish-set and largely effective series of murder cases with a rag-tag group of online sleuths


This was a pretty good series, albeit with one major flaw. but first the good aspects. The Ultraviolets are a group of online sleuths who, intially took up cold cases the police had given up on. The central character Orla has returned home to Lodz (lovely setting) and is living, somewhat uncomfortably, with her difficult mother. Orla’s brother has been killed prior to the events of the series and Orla is suspicious of his past girlfriend, hence her return to home but her husband is working in London. She gradually gets involved with the Ultraviolet group, ‘run’ by Tomek who works in airport security, two female partners who run an online beauty blog and a high-school computer whizz kid. The se characters are gradually introduced in the episodes and we learn more about them and their lives as the cases unfold.

This gradual unfolding of their characters form case to case is one of the best and most involving parts of the series. There is also (very good-looking) police inspector Michael Holender and his burgeoning relationship with Orla and the problems that his involvement with the cases makes for him professionally. Interestingly, in the latter episodes Orla’s mother, as a part of her gradually becoming somewhat more sympathetic, is also beginning to get involved in the cases., as indicated, there is one major flaw in this series and that is that every episode (with the exception of the last two - significantly and perhaps because of this) the crime is solved within the episode which makes them far too rushed. The last two episodes were essentially a two -part story and this was notably better although, again, in the second one, the actual crime-solving was still happening too rapidly.

So much enjoyed and it will be interesting to see the second series and how the character relationships develop - and whether it is still a case an episode.

Ultraviolet. Series 2. Development and improvement upon Series 1 with the team from Lodz

Safe: Soundly involving suburban-set thriller with Harlen Coben name 'attached' as supposed quality guarantee