Ultraviolet. Series 2. Development and improvement upon Series 1 with the team from Lodz

https://youtu.be/HEcxqBH5eCc (no subtitles)

They are doing well. Unusual for a second series to be notably better than the first I think but that was the case here. Even after the loss of a central character early on, the impetus of the show continued and the Ultraviolets are really developing well - not least as it is being done slowly and so plausibly. However there is still a tendency to rush the actual crime solving as one per episode but by the final two episodes this was being rejected and these two were essentially one tory that is not yet complete - so it seems necessary that there will be a third series.

The Code. Series 2: Excellent follow-on to the first-rate Series 1 with deepening characterisation and plotting

Ultraviolet. Series 1 Intriguing, Polish-set and largely effective series of murder cases with a rag-tag group of online sleuths