Young Royals. Season 2: Continues to be sentimentally and soapily enjoyable

As enjoyable as ever. The characters are rather better developed and more nuanced than is often the case with soapy series like this – Prince Wilhelm did reveal selfish and bratty tendencies which helped to make him a more real character while the ‘debauched bad-boy villain’ of the piece, August, likewise had more depth and nuance. This was beginning to be revealed towards the end of Series 1 and it was good to see it developed in this second series.

Its also important to note that the series is called Royals – plural, which gives a better sense of the greater range and scope of the piece so that it is not solely a teen gay schoolboy romance.

There was also a very nicely written brief scene in a classroom where the group of pupils that Wilhelm was with were preparing a presentation had some excellent layered dialogue, making clear that there were many aspects of the book that applied to Wilhem and others’ situations. But it was quite subtly done and not, as it could easily have been, a heavy-handed parallel to his situation.

There will obviously be anoter series (already confirmed I believe) – necessarily so, given the particularly striking cliffhanger with which this series ended – virtually a sudden halt in the middle of the scene. We look forward.

The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window. A smartly funny parody of a classic Netflix genre.

Stay Close: Characteristically soundly gripping