Oliver. Pesti Magyar Szinhaz, Budapest. Dec 12th 2022


This was an absolutely first-rate production and performance and made a wonderful Christmas event. The elaborate set was highly effective and I much liked the use of screens placed throughout the stage to help evoke places (the Gothic workhouse for instance), moos (stormy scenes in London town) or important characters (Oliver’s mother) And during the overture the dumb-show was a highly effective start (although it did assume knowledge of the story and backstory).

The band was good, if over-miked (also a problem with many of the adult performers) and the choreography was excellent. Dynamic, effective and superbly executed by all, particular the young people on the cast; never a foot was put wrong, as far as I could see.

And so the cast. Fagin was effective; the darker aspects of his character were not acknowledged at all (understandably perhaps) and he came across as a friendly grandfatherly figure although singing was not his greatest stremgth.. Bill Sykes however, was very effectively malevolent. His dandyish touches (that yellow waistcoat) were very effective as was his quiet way of speaking and small gestures. He did not need to make a scene to get his way and, again, his singing was not a strength but not a weakness either. Nancy was a fine actress and singer – she had something of the throaty distinction of the best performers of this role – and did her costume, with its full swirling skirts and vivid colours show a Romany influence? Mr. Bumble had the requisite malicious and self-serving streak although Widow Corney was somewhat palely represented and the Sowerberry’s likewise.  Noah Claypole however had at least some of the malice that the part demanded although more could have been given.The Artful Dodger had the requisite personality and a fair degree of stage presence while the rather flatly written part of Mr. Brownlow was very adequately performed. It is tricky, I think, to make much of this rather bland, if dramatically central character. The Oliver was excellent – he looked, sounded and acted the part to perfection – and he was a fine actor; when awaking in Mr. Brownlow’s house, he initially started, coming to terms with his surroundings. It may be the boy who naturally did that, it may have been he just remembered directions, but either way it was impressive.

All in all, a gorgeously enjoyable evening – and it reminded me of the extraordinary achievement of Lionel Bart; if anyone wrote just two numbers in their entire career of the quality of the songs here, then they could be very satisfied but in this it is hit after hit after hit. Remarkable.

Guys & Dolls. Bridge Theatre, London. July 8th 2023

FrenAk Tarsulat: Secret Off_Man Festival Theatre, MUPA, Budapest. Dec 11th 2022